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Blog Universidad Panamericana

Ubi spiritus libertas




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Gabriela Loyola

More than 21 years of career centered in building strong connections inside and outside the organizations. Growth seeker. Storyteller and affiliative humanist, putting people first with strong communication and people management skills. Optimistic and realistic, convinced that setting clear expectations to all the ecosystem is key to achieving good results. Almost 7 years in Facebook gave me the opportunity to be part of a company that marked a different era. Adapting to constant change was an everyday task that developed more resilience in me than I ever imagined. Obsessed with creating a culture that allows and promotes failure, knowing that vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation and creativity. At this stage of my career to be part of a company that has a clear mission and a higher purpose, that keeps people learning, that recognizes the work and impact of its employees, that knows how to take risks and has a friendly and fun environment is what I want to find or help create. Culture eats strategy for lunch!
29 sep 2021

Business Intelligence: Streaming and gamification, la evolución del entretenimiento.

¿Cuál es la industria más grande en el mundo del entretenimiento? (R= ...

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